Revenge en Suite
A Joint Venture between Open Space and RoughCast Theatre Companies
A comedy thriller with a literary twist. Set in a hotel on the south coast of England in the mid 1920’s. Cast includes Open Space and RoughCast favourites.
It is 1925, and renowned crimewriter Audrey Dobbs is in love with Lord Basil Bouncy, the aristocratic detective she has created. But when she is persuaded to develop his relationship with another of her characters – the brilliant novelist Lydia Tempest – things begin to go horribly wrong, and her attempts to deal with the situation by hasty re-writing lead to disaster. Set in a hydro hotel on the South Coast, Revenge en Suite is a delightful comedy thriller with a literary twist, and features a colourful cast of eccentric characters. But who is actually writing the plot…?
Real Life
Audrey Dobbs, spinster and bestselling crime-writer Janet Koralambe Mary Robinson, her pupil and typist Emma Owen-Jackson
Lydia Tempest, stylish acclaimed novelist Janet Koralambe John Murgatroyd, a lawyer Bruce Cox Sir Magnus Boothby, millionaire business magnate, (deceased) Paul Baker Imogen Ponsonby, secretary to Boothby Emma Martin Lord Basil Bouncy Grant Filshill