…to RoughCast Theatre Company’s website. Enjoy!
RoughCast is a not for profit East Anglian theatre company. We stage plays, mostly classics, for the love of it and tour them throughout Suffolk and Norfolk. We are based loosely around the Harleston area.
To get involved in acting, producing, directing, or backstage, simply contact us. RoughCast is not a professional company and we do not hold open castings. But we are always on the lookout for new talent. Introduce yourselves to us at readthroughs, performances, or rehearsals.
To keep up to date with RoughCast productions sign up for our newsletter (see panel on right). You can also join us on Facebook.
On Stage
This year sees our return to Shakespeare and outdoor summer productions.
In July, we will stage Romeo & Juliet. Full details of dates and venues to follow and will show on our Production page.
Charity Donations – We have a new policy of donating the voluntary proceeds received from sales of programmes to chosen charity organisations. The amounts we donate will show up on production pages from now on.
Readthroughs – Click here for details of forthcoming readthroughs. All are welcome.
Next Production – When there is a new production coming up soon, details of performances will show on this page. You can also check on our plans for upcoming productions using the menu at the top of the page.